Q: Can I trust you guys?
A: Trust is very important here. We are doing our best to all customers and only trust allow our business to go further and famous.We try very hard to please all of you cause we sincerely believe you value great customer service.
Q: Are your bags 100% brand new and authentic?
A: Yes,We hate replica! We will buy directly from the outlet,retailers,official flagship stores and honest sellers.We promised that all bags are 100% brand new with original tag adhered.We provide 100% money-back guarantee if the item is found not to be genuine.
Q: How do I make an order?
A: Provide us your personal details such as Name,Contact,Address,and Paste the link, Size/Code/color of the bags to lovebranded@gmail.com. After we receive your order, we will send a quote with all charges applicable and reference number.
Q: What are the charges?
A: [Price of the bag] x [U.S. sales tax] x [Conversion rate] x [International Shipping charge and Administration fee 20%].
Example: [USD$200]x [5% GST]x [RM3.4]x [1.20]= RM856.80.
Q: How long it will take to reach me?
A: We will deliver the bag within 2 weeks from the day payment is made.
Q: What form of payment do you accept?
A: We accept Internet banking or bank in.
Q: How much deposit i need to pay to buy a bag?
A: Buyers are advised to pay 30% upfront for each bag. Outstanding balance is pay on Cash On Delivery (COD)
Q: How can I collect my bag?
A: We prefer to meet up as buyers will be able to see the item before money is transacted (cash on delivery).
Q: What if I cancelled my order after i pay my deposit?
A: Sorry, we will not refund your deposit.
Q: How many bags can I order from you?
A: Maximum 2 bags for each transcation.
Q: What if I want to buy more than 2 bags?
A: Make another order with us to avoid complexcity.
Terms and Conditions:
1.Quoted prices are non-negotiable unless there is an error.
2.Customs Tax is required by Malaysia Government for certain bags, we will forward them to you accordingly.
3.We will do our best to source the bag you are looking for. We allow full refunds if the bag is not available or out of stock.
4.Not responsible for any losses or damage during the shipping.
5.If you're skeptical about making the payment ahead of time, you're not obliged to do it and your order will be removed.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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